Change a subsite Admin role of a WordPress Multisite after 24 hours registering

You probably want the built-in cron scheduler. You’ve got two options: either set up a one-off job to downgrade the user 24 hours after registering using wp_schedule_single_event() instead set up a daily job with wp_schedule_event() to check all blogs for users without KYC data and deactivate them if necessary. You should probably change your code … Read more

How to improve WordPress website SEO and traffic, and or fix SEO issues

Improving the SEO of a WordPress website and increasing traffic to the site can be achieved through a variety of methods, including: Optimizing content: Create high-quality, unique, and relevant content that includes keywords and meta descriptions. Use of Keyword-rich permalinks: Make sure that your permalinks are keyword-rich, rather than using the default number-based permalinks. Optimize … Read more

the_author() str_replace error

If you want to display the author’s name outside the loop, you must use the following code snippet. First answer: Your definite answer The code below first takes the ID of the author of the post. Then it displays the author name using the ID global $post; $get_AuthorId = $post->post_author; $getUser_name = get_userdata($get_AuthorId); echo $post_author … Read more

Change from blogger to wordpress

You can use the same custom domain for WordPress blog. Steps to follow (if you want to go with self hosted WordPress): First purchased a hosting for WordPress from any hosting company. Install WordPress on temporary URL provided in hosting account. Import all the posts and comments from blog by using default imported tool … Read more

Blog url disappears

Because this is how WP is set. You have set your permalinks structure to /%category%/%postname%/ so when you click on a post link, you will have that post /%category%/ and then /%postname%/. I guess you wished to have a structure like /blog-page/%category%/%postname%/. well just add this to your permalink settings /blog-page/%category%/%postname%/.