jetpack suddendly stopped working [closed]
I had a similar issue last year (minus the old php version) and they modified some firewall or something. Try contacting jetpack support:
I had a similar issue last year (minus the old php version) and they modified some firewall or something. Try contacting jetpack support:
Switch to the new jetpack plugin and you will be fine.
When you sign in, You can see tiny site stats chart(displayed in above screenshot) in your toolbar called a Sparkline. The number in Sparkline represents the highest number of visitors visited in 48 hours of day. You can find more information in Stats Support. I have copy pasted the content below from this link … Read more
I took a look at the WordPress app for Windows 8. It looks as though it is strictly built for, not self-hosted blogs. The apps available for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone on the other hand actually support both self-hosted installations and Even though you integrated some services into your blog via … Read more
Well, the response should be JSON only. Not some HTML with JSON at the end. Seems like the WordPress SEO plugin installed uses output buffering to output the meta tags in the HTML header. Have you tried deactivating this plugin or others? Maybe you can deactivate output buffering in the plugin alltogether.
Usually isotope allows appending new items and then just re-layout the masonry again: Somewhere in your JS file you should put the elements you want to append into a variable, e.g. new_elements jQuery(‘.grid’).append(new_elements) .isotope(‘appended’, new_elements) .imagesLoaded( function() { jQuery(‘.grid’).istotope(‘layout’); }); Source: The solution Thanks to @vajrasar for the final touches. When you echo the … Read more
Contact the Jetpack support team and let us know your site URL. We’ll update your Jetpack settings for you. Another alternative is to go to the Jetpack menu in your dashboard, and then click on “My jetpack” at the top of the page. You will then be able to disconnect your site from Once … Read more
The API returns the following columns when you query the postviews table: date post_id post_title post_permalink views For my blog the post_id column was either empty or 0 (for the homepage). So unless you have good values there, you will have to work from the post_permalink value and determine whether it is a page or … Read more
While researching to answer this SO Question, stumbled upon this one, which gave me the final hint. I’ll reproduce the relevant part: Function get_stats_csv /plugins/jetpack/modules/stats.php The function get_stats_csv calls If we visit this address, we get this response: Error: api_key is a required parameter. Required parameters: api_key, blog_id or blog_uri. Optional parameters: table, post_id, … Read more
You are loading jQuery 1.6.3. .on was included in jQuery 1.7 (I believe). jQuery itself is up to 1.9. You need to be using a more recent version of that library– basically, just let WordPress load its own version and you should be fine. It looks like most of your scripts are loading from your … Read more