next gen gallery thumbnail problem

since the site has a white background, a quick workaround could be to save the pngs as jpeg with white background? this thread mentions a possible solution: wordpress dot org/support/topic/plugin-nextgen-gallery-problems-with-png-transparency-thumbnails?replies=9 this has an unpdated solution: wordpress dot org/support/topic/plugin-nextgen-gallery-png-thumbnails-with-transparancy-problem-1?replies=5 and this thread suggests saving as 24bit png’s rather than 8bit wordpress dot org/support/topic/nextgen-gallery-transparent-images-showing-black-background-with-resize?replies=8#post-1921440 ps cant post … Read more

How to increase the thumnail size of nggallery carousel template

I’m not sure if I understand you right, but this is how you can do it: <img src=”<?php echo $image->thumbnailURL ?>” alt=”<?php echo $image->alttext ?>” width=”your_width_in_pixels” height=”your_height_in_pixels” /> If this is the anwer then it’s not related to WordPress but to HTML! Have a nice day.

Nextgen gallery show thickbox/shutter from link instead of image [closed]

I finally did it with jquery. I replaced all the image thumbs of the gallery with the link text and remove the text for all links except the first: $(“.ngg-galleryoverview”).each(function(index) { $(this).find(“.ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box .ngg-gallery-thumbnail a”).html(‘View photos <span>&#187;</span>’); $(this).find(“.ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box .ngg-gallery-thumbnail a”).addClass(‘small’); $(this).find(“.ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box:gt(0) .ngg-gallery-thumbnail a”).html(”); }); With this script i can use the shortcode normally, just [nggallery id=1] … Read more