Multi-Line Comments in Ruby?
This is how it looks (via screenshot) – otherwise it’s hard to interpret how the above comments will look. Click to Zoom-in:
This is how it looks (via screenshot) – otherwise it’s hard to interpret how the above comments will look. Click to Zoom-in:
Write as Your @getsystemid is not a Hash, it is an Array of Hash. @getsystemid[0] will give you the intended hash {“id”=>1000010466, “name”=>”cfme038”, “last_checkin”=>#}. Now you can use Hash#[] method to access the value of the hash by using its keys.
Use: where your options are: r – Read only. The file must exist. w – Create an empty file for writing. a – Append to a file.The file is created if it does not exist. r+ – Open a file for update both reading and writing. The file must exist. w+ – Create an empty file for both reading and … Read more
$stdout is a global variable that represents the current standard output. STDOUT is a constant representing standard output and is typically the default value of $stdout. With STDOUT being a constant, you shouldn’t re-define it, however, you can re-define $stdout without errors/warnings (re-defining STDOUT will raise a warning). for example, you can do: Same goes for $stderr and STDERR So, to answer the other part of your question, use the global variables … Read more
I guess what you want is: The #strip! method will return nil if it didn’t strip anything, and the variable itself if it was stripped. According to Ruby standards, a method suffixed with an exclamation mark changes the variable in place. Hope this helps. Update: This is output from irb to demonstrate:
Ruby has a few methods for changing the case of strings. To convert to lowercase, use downcase: Similarly, upcase capitalizes every letter and capitalize capitalizes the first letter of the string but lowercases the rest: If you want to modify a string in place, you can add an exclamation point to any of those methods: … Read more
I just tried and it works with require “./tokenizer”. Hope this helps.
If you have a hash, you can add items to it by referencing them by key: Here, like [ ] creates an empty array, { } will create a empty hash. Arrays have zero or more elements in a specific order, where elements may be duplicated. Hashes have zero or more elements organized by key, … Read more
The file_name contains the newline character \n at the end, which won’t get printed but messes up the path. You can fix the issue by stripping the line first: When debugging code, be careful with puts. Quoting its documentation reveals an ugly truth: Writes the given object(s) to ios. Writes a newline after any that … Read more
I have checked all the other similar answers and none was exactly like mine, neither did any of those solutions work for me. gem environment and sudo gem environment give the same result: rvm -v : rvm 1.22.3 ruby -v : ruby 1.8.7 OSX 10.8.4 echo $PATH /usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/home/ava/.rvm/bin:/home/ava/bin gem install <gem-name> gives whereas I am … Read more