Scheduled posts are being published immediately

Check your server time and check time from WordPress Settings >> General and check your time zone there. Install the Health Check plugin, run it, and check what it says about WP-Cron. Remove this define(‘DISABLE_WP_CRON’, true); code from the wp-config.php file. Also, Contact your hosting provider regarding this issue 🙂

Can’t open scheduled posts

I assume what you are doing is pulling 3 posts, one or more of which may be ‘Future’ posts, displaying some kind of preview and a link to the complete post. When you click the link for ‘Future’ posts, you get the error. ‘Future’ posts are going to be blocked for people not capable of … Read more

Remove “Edit Link” next to “Publish immediatley” when adding a new post

Here is one idea to hide the Edit link via CSS: function wpse85434_hide_editlinks() { if(!current_user_can(‘manage_options’)){ // only for non-admins echo “<style>.misc-pub-section .edit-timestamp{display:none !important;} </style>”; } } add_action(‘admin_head-post.php’,’wpse85434_hide_editlinks’); add_action(‘admin_head-post-new.php’,’wpse85434_hide_editlinks’); I use !current_user_can(‘manage_options’) so it will be visible for the admin. Before: After:

Publish scheduled pages right away in WordPress

I would do this with wp-cli. It’s a one line command: $ wp post update $(wp post list –post_status=draft –post_type=page –format=ids) –post_status=publish This command lists all pages that are draft (by id) and then updates all their statuses to “publish”. This is of course if these are actually pages. If it’s posts, you just need … Read more

Does WordPress provide an API for scheduling posts?

There isn’t really an API for it, because from usage perspective it is quite simple. If data passed to wp_insert_post() has publish or future value in post_status field and date in the future then it is inserted in database with that date and future in post_status. Effectively it is already considered scheduled. However something would … Read more