WordPress not displaying columns to hide/show on screen options

I have also the latest version and the options are there That should be some code doing that,in your theme functions.php file or in some plugin because wp have them. You have there something call ninja popups, try to disable that plugin, the options should appear again, once I dont know that plugin, possibly that … Read more

Recognising a screen size change

This is called responsive design and has nothing to do with WordPress, it is an extension rule to media queries (@media) in CSS3. CSS is a browser/client side language which can determine window sizes and browser types, this is what is used to determine how a website should look at a specific window size or … Read more

get_current_screen() inside add_action(‘admin_menu’)

I don’t know exactly what you are trying to accomplish but you seem to be dealing with meta boxes. If so there are a number of meta box specific hooks. do_action(‘add_meta_boxes’, $post_type, $post); do_action(‘add_meta_boxes_’ . $post_type, $post); do_action(‘do_meta_boxes’, $post_type, ‘normal’, $post); do_action(‘do_meta_boxes’, $post_type, ‘advanced’, $post); do_action(‘do_meta_boxes’, $post_type, ‘side’, $post); http://core.trac.wordpress.org/browser/tags/3.5.1/wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php#L165 As well as the admin_head* … Read more