Add a column before username in the users profile table

Ok, I solved it by unsetting $defaults and reconstructing it after adding the company function add_company_column($defaults) { unset($defaults); $defaults[‘company’] = __(‘Company’); $defaults[‘username’] = __(‘username’); $defaults[‘name’] = __(‘Name’); $defaults[’email’] = __(‘Email’); return $defaults; }

Installed Forca Theme, wonder how I can alter Post editing screen

It sounds like you want register_taxonomy_for_object_type to add the taxonomy to the “Page” post type. register_taxonomy_for_object_type(‘events-cat’,’page’); As noted, I don’t know how you expect this to work. You are going to have to alter the page templates. I would also suggest that you look into the Template Hierarchy, in particular the part about custom taxonomies. … Read more

Hide custom column in admin template screen (Elementor) [closed]

Use the second parameter $post_type passed to manage_posts_columns and ignore adding the column if it matches elementor_library: add_filter( ‘manage_posts_columns’, ‘customfield_add_column’, 5, 2 /* <= Make sure you add the 2 here to pass the second parameter to your callback */ ); function customfield_add_column( $defaults, $post_type = null ) { if ( $post_type !== ‘elementor_library’ ) … Read more