Changed URL: refused to connect
Changed URL: refused to connect
Changed URL: refused to connect
So. In the end it was enough to change the address in the database. In the table wp_options there are the two entries pointing to the url that were set. By modifying those it should work. Unfortunately Chrome does some mumbo jumbo with redirects etc. and it kept pointing it to the old url. Testing … Read more
You can use the trailingslashit function to make sure your URL’s always have a trailing slash.
What do you see in the Theme Customizer in Appearance -> Customize -> General Settings -> Site Identity -> TAGLINE? Sounds like a Caching Problem. Please try the following steps: Clear your Browser Cache Clear Cache Plugin Data (W3 Total Cache, WP Super Cache, ..) Clear Cache from Web hoster (for example Siteground have a … Read more
Here you go, this plugin will come to rescue. I have migrated/transferred over 100s of WP websites with this superb plugin without having any problem. It easy, secure and helps in productivity. It will change all the urls which is necessary to be changed during migration, so after migration you don’t have to manually … Read more
Nevermind, i actually accidentally didnt put back the url in nginx config file so i only had the new url. I wonder why i got a DB error instead of my generic “Nothing to see here” page
Try with Velvet Blues Update URLs wordpress plugin. I had used velvet blue update urls plugin many times while migrating wordpress site from one domain to another. please select attachment option in that. Link For Velvet Blues Update URLs Old Url Use “” & In new Url use “” & Check All the Options then … Read more
Put this in your theme template functions.php update_option( ‘siteurl’, ‘’ ); update_option( ‘home’, ‘’ );
I suspect that you have a page/post that is titled ‘things-to-do-in-sebring-florida’ (without the dashes – space characters are automatically converted to dash/hyphen for the URL when WP saves the page/post). At some point, you created a new page/post (or copied) with the same title. Since the title is the same, you can’t have two URLs … Read more
Now move your files and folders outside of the WP folder. It’s possible to use .htaccess rewrite rules “trick” the browsers though, but if your not familiar with how to do that, I recommend not doing so.