Home page returns 404

Delete all changes you have done on the .htaccess Make it clean and default to get it OK first, then do the customization. Also try deactivating all plugins and changing your theme to a new one, better get one from https://wordpress.org/themes

Lost WordPress website access after changing URL [closed]

If you have a cPanel and have an access of phpMyAdmin on your host, then find your DB, check the “siteurl” and “home” fields are correct in wp_options Table. Or Add these two lines to your wp-config.php, where “example.com” is the correct location of your site. define(‘WP_HOME’,’http://example.com’); define(‘WP_SITEURL’,’http://example.com’); Or If you have a cli access, … Read more

Accidentally Changed WordPress Url

If you’re on a local install, it’s fairly trivial to fix this. Just use phpMyAdmin to reset home_url and/or site_url in the wp_options table in the database. Switching between two localhost installs is also fairly straight-forward: just don’t actually use “localhost” for anything. Instead, set up a unique domain in your system’s hosts file for … Read more

Making a site URL

In order for the site to be publicly accessible you need to host the site on a server that is publicly accessible. Your local MAMP server is almost certainly not public. There are hacks and workarounds that would let you host the site from there, but don’t. Lease a server and install your site there. … Read more