Custom List Table – Bulk Action – How to remove the _GET parameters
Custom List Table – Bulk Action – How to remove the _GET parameters
Custom List Table – Bulk Action – How to remove the _GET parameters
I extended WP_List_Table to My_Custom_List_Table class and customize My_Custom_List_Table for my purpose. Specially, function single_row_columns() and function display_rows_or_placeholder(). And, not echo some td tag for other main td tag that have rowspan. All process was not such difficult.
Actually it was so simple. In order to process bulk actions with post method I should generate the table as follows: <form id=”table-filter” method=”post”> <input type=”hidden” name=”page” value=”<?php echo $_REQUEST[‘page’] ?>” /> <?php $wc_rev_ga_trans->display(); ?> </form>
You are processing the New Terms after you’ve displayed the Table List already, so in order to display the new term, as soon as you submit the form, you’d need to process it before you display the table. I’ve added a new function process_form() in here, that handles the processing of new_trem form submission, so … Read more
Well, I found out that this can be achieved in 1 way. If I specify specific columns that I need instead of using * in my query, it will work. Example: SELECT st.student_id FROM wp_o_students st INNER JOIN wp_o_schools sc ON st.school_id = sc.school_id INNER JOIN wp_marks_list ml ON st.student_id = ml.student_id ORDER BY $orderby … Read more
Display data in using WP_List_Table
WP_List_Table add custom bulk actions
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Unwanted redirection to the article page using WP_LIST_TABLE in the woocommerce_product_data_panels filter
At this moment, the only solution for me is to switch form method to GET and remove _wp_http_referer from $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’] with remove_query_arg() in prepare_items() function. More detailed info in this answer.