Mail not working on WordPress site
Mail not working on WordPress site
Mail not working on WordPress site
Some issues is because php version of your server hosting not valid with your website. First, you must check what php version that your hosting used, check from WHM->server information (right menu). Now, back to your cpanel dashboard, seleck multiPHP manager, choose your site and select php version(right menu dropdown), choose with the same php … Read more
Contact form with file upload
Have you tried using has_term()? if( get_post_type($post) === $post_type && has_term( ‘In progress’, ‘call_type’, $post ) ) wp_mail($emails, “New Item listed on Fit It List. Ref number $title”, $message);
Sending bulk mail to a certain number of users
How to send a particular csv file as an email?
Welcome to WPD stack exchange. as I am see its look like sometimes we have forgot to add some basic need and function not working properly. Please try with header parameter: $headers[] = ‘Content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8’; $headers[] = ‘From:’ . “[email protected]”; Also, you can use Easy WP SMTP and enable debugging and/or set that up … Read more
WordPress wp_mail function crashing website
Using two different outgoing email services, can it be done?
WordPress doesn’t work properly with non standard domain names – PHPMailer fails when initialising