Unable to properly load WordPress Admin page

Looks like theme problems to me. I’d change it back to one of the ‘Twenty’ themes as a first step. If OK, then start diagnosing the theme. (You could reinstall the theme manually which might protect settings, or FTP the theme files manually. Or just remove the theme and reinstall, but you might have to re-do all the theme settings.)

If not the theme, then some plugin might be getting in the way. A quick way to check that is to rename the plugins folder and reload the site. If that fixes things, then start loading plugin folders into wp-content/plugins to find the one that is causing problems.

Also, check the database’s wp_options table for the correct URL in the two entries/rows. Correct it to the proper URL.

That might get you started.

Moving back to the ‘old’ version might be harder. If you have admin access to old and new URLs, then using the WP Clone plugin is my go-to for the easiest way to move a site from one URL to another.