This is a common issue and is documented on their official website for trouble shooting.
The error may have been sent to you via an email with the subject line
“Your Site is Experiencing a Technical Issue”, or it may have
displayed in the Plugins page when you tried to update Jetpack.This happened because we moved some files around in this Jetpack
release, which triggers an error when they cannot be found in their
old locations. Your site should still have upgraded to Jetpack 8.0, so
refreshing the Plugins page in your dashboard should show that
version. The error should only happen once, on upgrade, and not after
thatAs for the frontend of the site, that should also work fine, though
you may want to clear any caches you have just to be sure.”
if the above suits what you are experiencing and the error only appeared once during update or after update and the version is up to date and now working fine. then you can ignore anything below, it’s normal.
If you refresh the plugins page and it is still showing the old version OR the site has errors on it still. I would suggest manually downloading the latest plugin zip and re-uploading it into your plugins directory overriding the old files. Dont forget to backup your database AND the old plugin folder first. That should solve your issue if the original statement did not apply to you.