You need a Custom Walker for this.
In your Custom Walker you define the start of the element different, adding a span after the link:
class Walker_With_Title_Menu extends Walker_Nav_Menu {
function start_el( &$output, $item, $depth = 0, $args = array(), $id = 0 ) {
$output .= sprintf( "\n<li><a href=""%s>%s</a><span class="your-line">%s</span></li>\n",
( $item->object_id === get_the_ID() ) ? ' class="current"' : '',
$item->title //additional %s in the span that I added
If you want something different written there, you could make a field in postmeta
and insert it instead of the title.
Be sure to call your wp_nav_menu
with the new Walker:
'container' => false, // remove nav container
'container_class' => 'menu clearfix', // class of container (should you choose to use it)
'menu' => __( 'The Main Menu', 'bonestheme' ), // nav name
'menu_class' => 'nav top-nav clearfix', // adding custom nav class
'theme_location' => 'main-nav', // where it's located in the theme
'before' => '', // before the menu
'after' => '', // after the menu
'link_before' => '', // before each link
'link_after' => '', // after each link
'depth' => 0, // limit the depth of the nav
'fallback_cb' => 'bones_main_nav_fallback', // fallback function
'walker'=> new Walker_With_Title_Menu() // **Using your new walker**
You can’t do this when you call wp_nav_menu
directly, because the after
parameter does not allow a variable, it requires a string.