Add dynamic content block to nav section generated by custom walker

At the end of your Navigation Walker you can just append to the $output like so:

$output .= apply_filters(
,   $item_output
,   $item
,   $depth
,   $args

// This is before the ending list item:
$output .= '<span>Inner Navigational Text</span>';

To get the post meta (I’m not familiar with ACF) you can use $item->object_id which will be the actual post ID ($item->ID is the navigation item ID, not the post ID).

IF you want to add the content into the actual link you’ll have to pre-create your content block, store it in a variable (let’s say $navContent), then you’ll have to replace the current link with the following:

$item_output = sprintf( '%1$s<a%2$s>%3$s%4$s%5$s%6$s</a>%7$s',
    apply_filters( 'the_title', $item->title, $item->ID ),

If you’re familiar with sprinf() this will make sense but if not, it just replaces the %6$s with the 6th variable in the argument list. The s indicates that it’s a string which is why you’ll want to create your content block before hand.