WC_Structured_Data Class Causing Needless Translation

You can change the line number 103 in the file /weglot/vendor/weglot/weglot-php/src/Parser/Check/RegexCheckerProvider.php

original code :

/* Add JSON LD checker */
    $this->addChecker(new RegexChecker("#<script type=('|\")application\/ld\+json('|\")([^\>]+?)?>(.*?)<\/script>#s" , SourceType::SOURCE_JSON, 4 , array( "description" ,  "name" , "headline" , "articleSection"  )));

To replace by :

/* Add JSON LD checker */
    $this->addChecker(new RegexChecker("#<script type=('|\")application\/ld\+json('|\")([^\>]+?)?>(.*?)<\/script>#s" , SourceType::SOURCE_JSON, 4 , array( "description" , "headline" , "articleSection"  )));

You must use FTP to make this change because this file is in a vendor folder.
