Visitors have no capabilities. Not even the capability “read” which seems a bit odd to me.
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- How to get all capabilities of an existing user role
- What exactly is WordPress?
- Menu capability in WordPress
- Does the “promote_users” capability allow someone to create a new admin account?
- current_user_can( ‘edit_post’, $post_id ) does not work for contributer but for administrator
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- Multiple Authors on Single Post
- Allow unfiltered HTML in titles for low level users?
- Allow users to set a post author
- Unify the roles and caps?
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- Usage of current_user_can()
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- admin can not change author profile picture
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- Can’t create new Pods pages
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- Capabilites not working [closed]
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- Custom wordpress admin page/url “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.”
- user_can() not working for comment authors
- Redirect admin 403 “Cheatin uh?” admin pages
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- Prevent author role from editing others posts