What characters must be escaped in HTML 5?

The specification defines the syntax for normal elements as:

Normal elements can have text, character references, other elements, and comments, but the text must not contain the character U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN (<) or an ambiguous ampersand. Some normal elements also have yet more restrictions on what content they are allowed to hold, beyond the restrictions imposed by the content model and those described in this paragraph. Those restrictions are described below.

So you have to escape <, or & when followed by anything that could begin a character reference. The rule on ampersands is the only such rule for quoted attributes, as the matching quotation mark is the only thing that will terminate one. (Obviously, if you don’t want to terminate the attribute value there, escape the quotation mark.)

These rules don’t apply to <script> and <style>; you should avoid putting dynamic content in those. (If you have to include JSON in a <script>, replace < with \x3c, the U+2028 character with \u2028, and U+2029 with \u2029 after JSON serialization.)

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