What is the section ID (name) for “Menus” in the Customizer?

Customizer > Menus is a panel named nav_menus.

Customizer > Menus > Menu Locations is a section inside the nav_menus panel called menu_locations.

Each menu is added a little differently, but I believe they are sections inside the nav_menus panel whose ID is nav_menu[menu_id]' where menu_id is the term_id of the menu.

Customizer > Menus > Add a Menu is a section inside the nav_menus panel called add_menu, with a priority of 999.

Browsing core code is the best way to find this stuff out. All this stuff is in /wp-includes/class-wp-customize-nav-menus.php

Both those articles pre-date Customizer menus by 3 & 2 years, respectively.