What is WordPress Way to Add Content Blocks to Post and Reference them as Many to One Relationship?

You could first add the anchor links inside the blocks with something like:

<a class="block-anchor" name="topic-1" title="Topic 1">

<a class="block-anchor" name="topic-1-exerciseblock-1-1" title="Exercise 1.1">

Then create a widget with some jQuery/javascript that pulls all the anchors and lists them. Probably the easiest way to do this would be to put a shortcode in a Text Widget, eg. [block-anchor-list].

add_shortcode('block-anchor-list', 'block_anchor_list');
function block_anchor_list() {
    add_action('wp_footer', 'block_anchor_list_jquery');
    $list = "<div id='block-anchor-list'></div>";
    return $list;

function block_anchor_list_jquery() { 
    <script>jQuery(document).ready(function() {
        listhtml="<ul class="block-anchor-list">";
        jQuery('.block-anchor').each() {
             hash = jQuery(this).attr('name');
             anchor = jQuery(this).attr('title');
             listhtml += '<li class="block-anchor-item">';
             listhtml += '<a href="#'+hash+'" title="Jump to '+anchor+'.">'+anchor;
             listhtml += '</a></li>';
        listhtml += '</ul>';

Note this solution relies on jQuery being loaded on the frontend, but could be done with vanilla javascript also.