What’s the best way to get posts from one multisite blog into another?

There’s a function to get one post from one blog, but that’s it:

  $post = get_blog_post( $blog_id, $post_id ); 
  echo $post->ID;

If the blog has only one author you could also use get_most_recent_post_of_user. But I think the best way is to fetch the feed using fetch_feed():

$rss = fetch_feed('http://feed.url');
// Figure out how many total items there are, but limit it to 5. 
$maxitems = $rss->get_item_quantity(5); 
// Build an array of all the items, starting with element 0 (first element).
$rss_items = $rss->get_items(0, $maxitems);

foreach ( $rss_items as $item ) { // Loop
    echo $item->get_title();
    echo $item->get_content();

It uses the Simplepie API, I recently wrote an article about that Display RSS Feed in WordPress.