With WP 3.4 customizer, while using postMessage & working within your JS for one option, can you retrieve current value for another option?

What you could do is the following :

// ----------------------------------------------------------
// Primary Typograpy
// ----------------------------------------------------------

var current;

/* Primary Typography - Size */
wp.customize('typography_primary_size', function( value ) {
    current.size = value;
    value.bind(function(size) {
        $('h1, h2, h2, h4, h5, h6').css('font-size', size);

/* Primary Typography - Face */
wp.customize('typography_primary_face', function( value ) {
    current.face = value;
    value.bind(function(face) {
        if(current.size.get() == 'whatever'){
        } else {


Sorry Otto, it’s perhaps a little bit hacky, but it works. The bonus is that you can also trigger the change callback using the set method : current.size.set('othervalue') will trigger your custom css change for h1 to h6 headers.