To move a site from localhost i usually do the following:
1, Install adminer plugin on your localhost (lets you download the database file)
2, Use an FTP to upload all files
3, Change the php config files details to work on host
4, Open the mysql file saved from Adminer and then edit the wp_options section change both “siteurl” & “home” to point to your url for site.
5, Go to your url and then run the install of wordpress and after this activate Adminer then just import the admirer file you download or if you know mysql import the file from the mysql panel on your hosts cpanel.
6, You should now be able to see the wordless site but the last thing you will need to do is go to settings -> permalinks and change them to “plain” then back to “post name” and you can view the sites sub pages correctly as this recreates the .htacccess file.
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