WordPress site server getting blocked due to resource abuse

I don’t know if anyone can provide a complete answer without digging in to your specifics but the following may be helpful –

Looking at the database log file sent by Namecheap they appear to be objecting to the amount of CPU you are using

The first thing I would look at doing is installing some kind of cache like W3 Total Cache. Caching will greatly decrease the amount of CPU and also speed up your site.

The second thing I would do is try and remove/consolidate plugins – It looks very much to me like this is a “death by a 1000 paper cuts” scenario – 38 Plugins is an awful lot – and each plugin is using CPU (and generally making your site less secure and harder to maintain)

It may also be that you simply need to buy bigger/better hosting (you have not mentioned your site, or the volume of hits so we can’t know for sure)