How to periodically scrape and cache strings from remote txt files. – My First Plugin

The Transient API may help you here. A transient is variable stored for a defined amount of time.

function filemtime_remote( $url )
    $list = file_get_contents( $url , null , null , 0 , 200);
    $important = explode("Last modified: ",$list)[1];
    $mydate = substr($important, 0, 21);
    return $mydate;

The above is your current code which seeks the “Last modified” time each time a page is loaded.

You can convert it to:

function filemtime_remote( $url ){   
        # Get the transient
        $mydate = get_transient( 'lm_' . esc_url( $url ) );

        if( false === $mydate ) {
            # The transient expired or does not exist, so we fetch the last modified again
            $list = file_get_contents( $url , null , null , 0 , 200);
            $important = explode("Last modified: ",$list)[1];
            $mydate = substr($important, 0, 21);

            # We then save that date in a transient(which we can prefix with something like "lm_")
            # We are saving the transient for 12 hours
            set_transient( 'lm_' . esc_url( $url ), $mydate , 12 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS );

        return $mydate;

I haven’t tried it, but the logic is here: Use get_transient() to see if we have a value recorded with the last 12 hours. If we do have a value (the returned value will not be FALSE), use that value. If we do not have a value(the returned value will be FALSE), then request the data and then save it in a transient, using set_transient(), that will expire in 12 hours.