wp delete duplicate entries of custom post types every 15 minutes

Start by ensuring that there is actually a 15min interval available.

// create the cron scheduled interval to be used
function ex11_cron_schedules($schedules){
        $schedules["15min"] = array(
            'interval' => 15*60,
            'display' => __('Once every 15 minutes'));
    return $schedules;

Then create a custom WP_Query loop to fetch all the records you need to compare, and archive those you no longer need (your duplicates):

// I haven't tested this yet. You might need to fine tune it.
// You might also need to tune the query statements to suit the Track CPT
function wpse_archive_duplicate_tracks(){
    $args = array( 'post_type'=>'track','pust_status'=>'publish');
    $tracks = get_posts($args);
    $tracks_to_keep = array();

    foreach($tracks as $track){
        if (array_key_exists($track->artist . '~' .$track->post_title, $tracks_to_keep)){                
            $toUpdate = array(
                'ID' = $track->ID,
                'post_status' = 'archive', // change to 'trash' to delete
    } else {
         $tracks_to_keep[$track->artist . '~' .$track->post_title] = $track;

Finally, you need to schedule your archival function:

wp_schedule_event(time(), '15min', 'wpse_archive_duplicate_tracks');     

Parting thought:
You might also want to consider adding a meta_data field to the tracks you have already checked, so you don’t have to check them ALL every time. But … this might not suit your situation, if duplicates can come back anytime.

Good luck!