wp_editor on custom meta textarea field – images and html fails

Not saying it’s not possible, but wp_editor is not designed to be used in a meta box (when tinyMCE, which is on by default, is activated). Here’s the trac ticket where some of the issues are discussed.

You can however, use the actions edit_page_form or edit_form_advanced to add your editor with tinyMCE, as suggested by azzoz, or, use the HTML only editor, as suggested by nacin.

Here’s an example of adding the editor with tinyMCE disabled:

wp_editor( $meta, $field['id'], array ( 'tinymce' => false ) );

I tested it by adding 2 editors and was able to insert media into each editor using the insert into post button. If you can do without tinyMCE, then this is probably the way to go. Otherwise, you’ll need to add your editors using the hooks mentioned above.