For multiple post IDs, in WP_Query
arguments, we can use:
'post__in' => [ 272, 282, 292 ],
but for a single post ID it’s:
'p' => 123,
Note that the default post type is post
Checking out the SQL query
It’s informative to checkout the generated SQL query of WP_Query
Try e.g. in the wp-cli shell:
wp> $q = new WP_Query( [ 'post__in' => [ 272, 282, 292 ] ] );
wp> echo $q->request;
That way you can make sure it’s generating what you need.
Compare e.g. the post__in
and the p
Helpful docs
It’s also helpful to look at the Developer’s Handbook:
and in some cases the old Codex:
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