I think I would do this with two groupbys.
First to calculate the “weighted average”:
In [11]: g = df.groupby('Date') In [12]: df.value / g.value.transform("sum") * df.wt Out[12]: 0 0.125000 1 0.250000 2 0.416667 3 0.277778 4 0.444444 dtype: float64
If you set this as a column, you can groupby over it:
In [13]: df['wa'] = df.value / g.value.transform("sum") * df.wt
Now the sum of this column is the desired:
In [14]: g.wa.sum() Out[14]: Date 01/01/2012 0.791667 01/02/2012 0.722222 Name: wa, dtype: float64
or potentially:
In [15]: g.wa.transform("sum") Out[15]: 0 0.791667 1 0.791667 2 0.791667 3 0.722222 4 0.722222 Name: wa, dtype: float64
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