Customizer: Multiple CSS styles on same element in Live Preview

Yes, instead of updating the inline style for the elements directly, a stylesheet should be used instead. You can create a stylesheet template that is used both in JS and in PHP. This was done in the Twenty Sixteen theme and I actually just worked on this in a standalone example plugin for another answer.

Notice how there is a stylesheet_template string that is created, and this template string is rendered out by PHP at the wp_print_styles action:

 * Print styles.
public function print_styles() {
    echo '<style id="wpse-286268" type="text/css">';
    $css = $this->stylesheet_template;
    $tpl_vars = array();
    foreach ( $this->device_configs as $slug => $params ) {
        $tpl_vars[ '{{outline_color_' . $slug . '}}' ] = get_theme_mod( "outline_color_{$slug}", $params['default'] );
    echo esc_html( str_replace(
        array_keys( $tpl_vars ),
        array_values( $tpl_vars ),
    ) );
    echo '</style>';

And then also it is rendered out by JS in the customizer preview:

 * Update preview.
 * @returns {void}
component.updatePreview = function updatePreview() {
    var css = component.stylesheetTemplate;
    _.each( component.deviceSettings, function( setting ) {
        css = css.replace( '{{' + + '}}', setting.get() );
    } ); css );
