You can use prepare:
global $wpdb;
$post_ids = [];
$last_id = 350;
$query = $wpdb->prepare(
FROM $wpdb->posts
", $last_id );
$results = $wpdb->get_results( $query );
// it will convert the IDs from row objects to an array of IDs
foreach ( $results as $row ) {
array_push( $post_ids, $row->ID );
//now you can set up your query
$custom_args = array(
'posts_per_page' => 100,
'post__in' => $post_ids
$custom_query = new WP_Query( $custom_args );
if( $custom_query->have_posts() ) :
while( $custom_query->have_posts() ) : $custom_query->the_post();
echo get_the_title() . '<br>';
Note: You can change condition as per your requirement >, >=, <, <=
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