You could try using one of the following methods, I don’t think there is a specific way to do this other than these two options below.
Option 1
In your template file, add the post_class();
to your div like this:
<div id="your-div" <?php post_class(); ?> >
Then you can use post_class
filter in your themes or plugins functions file, something like this:
// Add dynamic post class
function royal_custom_class($classes) {
global $post;
$classes[] = 'your-class-name'; // Add your class however its generated here
return $classes;
add_filter('post_class', 'royal_custom_class');
Option 2
Your other option, if the div was defined in your actual content then you could use the_content
filter and replace and update it.
Something like this:
function updated_page_content( $content )
return '<div class="custom_class">Whatever goes inside</div>'. $content;
add_filter( 'the_content', 'updated_page_content' );
References from Codex for these two methods
Post Class Filter – WordPress Codex
The Content Filter – WordPress Codex