Adding html banner to posts

rss_use_excerpt is the option people can use to change the blog from Full Text to Summary. With a combination of is_front_page and that setting you can determine if you’re blog page is showing the summary — in your case — when you don’t want to show the banner on the blog page.

function display_banner($content)
    return '<div class="banner">Banner</div>' . $content;

function display_content_banner($content)
    // [ 0:NO, 1:YES ] -
    static $rss_use_excerpt;
    if( ! isset($rss_use_excerpt)) $rss_use_excerpt = get_option('rss_use_excerpt');

    if(is_single() || (is_front_page() && ! $rss_use_excerpt)) {
        return display_banner($content);
    else {
        return $content; //on the post list page, the_excerpt is in charge of displaying the banner.

add_filter('the_excerpt', 'display_banner');
add_filter('the_content', 'display_content_banner');