Do you want to be able to switch between post types?
If not, seems to me you could just duplicate the same functionality as you’re using with the per_page parameter, meaning:
In your shortcode function just add a data attr to the #container-async div for the post_type(s).
<div id="container-async" data-paged="<?php echo $a['per_page']; ?>" data-posttype="<?php echo $a['post_type']; ?>" class="sc-ajax-filter">
(you’ll need to add it to your shortcode_atts as well by adding ‘post_type’ => ”)
Then in your Javascript on(‘click’) function add it to $params:
$params = {
'page' : $page,
'tax' : $'filter'),
'term' : $'term'),
'qty' : $this.closest('#container-async').data('paged'),
'pt' : $this.closest('#container-async').data('posttype')
Finally, in your php function where you gather your $args array for WP_Query, get the value and then add in the post_type:
$pt = $_POST['params']['pt'];
$args = array(
'paged' => $page,
'post_type' => $pt,
'post_status' => 'publish',
'posts_per_page' => $qty,
'tax_query' => $tax_qry