Adding Widgets to Reactor Theme (based on Foundation 4)

Note in the code you gave for sidebar-footer.php

<?php if ( is_active_sidebar('sidebar-footer') ) : ?>

…is always going to return false since that no longer exists.

Since this is a custom theme you can probably just comment out or remove that line and it’s endif pair since I trust you always want the markup to output even if the 3 sidebar areas are empty.


 <?php if ( ( is_active_sidebar('sidebar-footer-01') || ( is_active_sidebar('sidebar-footer-02') || ( is_active_sidebar('sidebar-footer-03') ) ) : ?>
     <div class="row">
         <div class="<?php reactor_columns( 12 ); ?>">
             <div id="sidebar-footer" class="sidebar" role="complementary">
               <?php dynamic_sidebar('sidebar-footer-01'); ?> //Added -01
               <?php dynamic_sidebar('sidebar-footer-02'); ?> //Added line
               <?php dynamic_sidebar('sidebar-footer-03'); ?> //Added line
             </div><!-- #sidebar-footer -->
         </div><!--.columns -->  
     </div><!-- .row -->
 <?php endif; ?>