After updating WP keeps nagging about a newer version. Why?

The issue is, there is no value for local_package in the URL.

At first I thought this might be a bug. Similar issues have been reported before (see here and here.

I then stumbled on comment in trac ticket 8729 where user nbachiyski explains how localization should work:

There are two ways to localize WordPress:

  1. Drop some translation files.
  2. Install localized package.

Whenever possible we try to enforce the 2nd way.

So, here is how the whole thing works:

  1. Both the current locale and the current localized package, installed, are sent to the API.
  2. If a localized package for the user’s locale is available and the user doesn’t have the localized package, the user is prompted to
    upgrade or to hide updgrade.

You can either install the Dutch version of WordPress or hide the updates for it (/wp-admin/update-core.php> Hide this update).

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