Assuming your javascript and ajax action code are otherwise correct, target admin-ajax.php
with the correct path by localizing your enqueued script:
array( 'admin_ajax' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) )
Then in your javascript, reference that URL with:
url: script_data.admin_ajax
ah, missed this the first time: $wpdb->feedmanager
isn’t set unless you’ve explicitly set it somewhere. $wpdb->table_name
only works for native tables, as those member vars are hard-coded directly into the wpdb class. change it to a string 'wp_feedmanager'
also note that the wp_
table prefix can be (and should be) changed via wp-config.php
, use $wpdb->prefix
to make your code more portable:
$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'feedmanager';
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