Register google jquery gets overwritten by plugin

First: do not de-register core-bundled scripts in order to register some arbitrary version of those scripts.

WordPress currently (at time of writing) comes bundled with jQuery 1.7.1. When WordPress 3.4 comes out next month, that version will be (IIRC) 1.8.x. Core, Themes, and other Plugins will all rightfully expect the core-bundled version of jQuery to be in use. Also, the core-bundled version of jQuery uses no-conflict mode, which may not be true when registering an arbitrary version of the script. Thus, you introduce more potential script breakage.

Second: to override a script de-register/enqueue in a Plugin, you need to hook into the same action, and utilize hook priority.

Assuming the Plugin callback unction thethe_image_slider_head_scripts() {} is using the default priority, 10, then your own callback needs to use a lower priority (i.e. a higher number), such as 11, like so:

function wpse48638_enqueue_scripts() {
    // Theme script enqueues go here
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'wpse48638_enqueue_scripts', 11 );

Alternatively, you can remove the Plugin callback from the action, and then enqueue your own scripts as per normal. Note: the remove_action() call must use the same priority as the Plugin add_action() call:

remove_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'thethe_image_slider_head_scripts' );

(Note that, in both cases, you need to reference the same action that the Plugin is using. It may be wp_head or even init, instead of wp_enqueue_scripts.)


Based on this comment:

Let me see, when I search for the function: thethe_image_slider_head_scripts
add_action('wp_print_scripts', "thethe_image_slider_head_scripts");

That’s exactly what we need!

If you simply want to remove the Plugin’s script enqueues, just call:

remove_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'thethe_image_slider_head_scripts' );

You have to use the same priority as the add_action() call, so be sure to leave it as the default (10).

Edit 2

So, there’s one more thing you may need to do, based on this little nugget of wisdom from the Codex:

It is also worth noting that you may need to prioritise the removal of the action to a hook that occurs after the action is added. You cannot successfully remove the action before it has been added.

Note: I had to download the Plugin, which required a free “club” membership from the developer, to find this solution. Seeing the full code is imperative to answering these sorts of questions.

The add_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'thethe_image_slider_head_scripts' ) function is called from within another callback, that itself is hooked into init. That’s why your remove_action() call is failing: because it is firing at an earlier action, when the action you’re trying to remove hasn’t yet been added. So, you need to wrap your remove_action() call inside of a callback also hooked into init, like so:

function wpse48638_init_functions() {
    // Remove TheThe Image Slider scripts
    remove_action( 'wp_print_scripts', 'thethe_image_slider_head_scripts' );
add_action( 'init', 'wpse48638_init_functions' );

Note also that you will probably also need to re-enqueue the 'slider-ui' script that’s part of the callback you’re removing.