You can simply create a text file and call it php.ini . Make sure the file has the text encoding “Unicode no BOM”, as that will work best for both linux and windows. Use an FTP client to make a new file on the server and that will generate a file with the correct permissions and text encoding.
Put just this line in it:
memory_limit = 64M
But that will not raise your memory allocation if the host doesn’t allow individual php.ini files in accounts which override the server php.ini, which sounds like is the case, since they don’t allow .htaccess to override the server. And it’s doubtful they will change your php.ini file for you.
Usually bumping memory in wp-config.php is sufficient, and there’s no need to edit .htaccess. Many hosts allow individual php.ini files. You’re on a very restrictive host. I’d change hosts.
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