Set a maximum upload count for users on a specific user role

I’m not really sure which is the real problem with code you posted, however I cant understand why use 2 functions when one is enough…

add_filter( 'wp_handle_upload_prefilter', 'limit_uploads_for_user_roles' );

function limit_uploads_for_user_roles( $file ) {
  $user = wp_get_current_user();
  // add the role you want to limit in the array
  $limit_roles = array('contributor');
  $filtered = apply_filters( 'limit_uploads_for_roles', $limit_roles, $user );
  if ( array_intersect( $limit_roles, $user->roles ) ) {
    $upload_count = get_user_meta( $user->ID, 'upload_count', true ) ? : 0;
    $limit = apply_filters( 'limit_uploads_for_user_roles_limit', 10, $user, $upload_count, $file );
    if ( ( $upload_count + 1 ) > $limit ) {
      $file['error'] = __('Upload limit has been reached for this account!', 'yourtxtdomain');
    } else {
      update_user_meta( $user->ID, 'upload_count', $upload_count + 1 );
  return $file;

Note that the count start when you add the function and the filter: all previous uploaded files are not counted.

The roles to limit can be altered also via filter.

The limit can be changed via filter (default 10 in my code) and I also pass to filter the user object and the current number of user uploads, in this way the filter can take into accounts more informations…


To decrease the count when a contributor delete an attachment hook delete_attachment and do some logic:

add_action('delete_attachment', 'decrease_limit_uploads_for_user');

function decrease_limit_uploads_for_user( $id ) {
   $user = wp_get_current_user();
   // add the role you want to limit in the array
   $limit_roles = array('contributor');
   $filtered = apply_filters( 'limit_uploads_for_roles', $limit_roles, $user );
   if ( array_intersect( $limit_roles, $user->roles ) ) {
     $post = get_post( $id);
     if ( $post->post_author != $user->ID ) return;
     $count = get_user_meta( $user->ID, 'upload_count', true ) ? : 0;
     if ( $count ) update_user_meta( $user->ID, 'upload_count', $count - 1 );

Note that previous code do not prevent attachment being deleted was uploaded by other users, because this should be handled by the functions/plugin/code that allow contributors to upload files (once by default they can’t do that) and because the 'delete_attachment' hook happens after the attachment was already deleted.
However if the attachment was not uploaded by current user the decrease isn’t performed, just for sure…

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