I’ve just faced the same issue and here is my solution. I’m using globals to get current page and total page count:
/* first i'm looking into $multipage global to check
if the post actually has pages */
global $multipage;
if ( $multipage === 1 ) {
global $page; // this is current page number
global $numpages; // this is total page count
// display disabled left arrow on page 1
if ( 1 === $page ) :
<span class="pagination__arrow pagination__arrow--prev pagination__arrow--disabled">< Previous</span>
<span class="pagination__separator"> | </span>
// standard wp pagination
wp_link_pages( [
'next_or_number' => 'next',
'before' => '',
'previouspagelink' => '<span class="pagination__arrow pagination__arrow--prev">< Previous</span>',
'nextpagelink' => '<span class="pagination__arrow pagination__arrow--next">Next ></span>',
'separator' => '<span class="pagination__separator">|</span>',
] );
// display disabled right arrow on last page
if ( $page === $numpages ) :
<span class="pagination__separator"> | </span>
<span class="pagination__arrow pagination__arrow--next pagination__arrow--disabled">Next ></span>