Get next and previous page of paginated post

What you are doing seems to be reproducing what wp_link_pages() does:

Displays page-links for paginated posts (i.e. includes the
Quicktag one or more times). This works in much the
same way as link_pages() (deprecated), the difference being that
arguments are given in query string format. This tag must be within

Using one or more of the provided arguments…

$defaults = array(
        'before'           => '<p>' . __( 'Pages:' ),
        'after'            => '</p>',
        'link_before'      => '',
        'link_after'       => '',
        'next_or_number'   => 'number',
        'separator'        => ' ',
        'nextpagelink'     => __( 'Next page' ),
        'previouspagelink' => __( 'Previous page' ),
        'pagelink'         => '%',
        'echo'             => 1

… you should be able to get pretty close to that markup.

In particular, I believe this will do it (untested):

$defaults = array(
        'before'           => '<div class="pagination">',
        'after'            => '</div>',
        'nextpagelink'     => __( 'Next page' ),
        'previouspagelink' => __( 'Previous page' ),