Author list ‘special’ author first then ‘normal’ author

The ‘special’ authors have in usermeta a meta key called
‘werksortgodmodus’ with meta value ‘yes’. The ‘rest’ of the authors
have ‘werksortgodmodus’ = no .

You could e.g. order by the meta value with (PHP versions 5.4+):

$blogusers = get_users( 
        'role'     => 'author',
        'meta_key' => 'werksortgodmodus', 
        'orderby' => [ 'meta_value' => 'DESC', 'display_name' => 'ASC' ], 

where we order first by the werksortgodmodus meta value and then by e.g. display_name.

We use the DESC order so that the yes values come before the no values.

If you got huge number of users, then you might want to use query pagination.