Your query is wrong because your third argument to TIMESTAMPDIFF is incorrect.
You should be using meta_value instead of SELECT meta_value.
SELECT user_id FROM wp_usermeta WHERE meta_key = 'wp_wp_kc_last_active_time' AND TIMESTAMPDIFF( second, now(), TIMESTAMP(meta_value) ) > 5184000;
Try that and see if the results start looking correct.
I just checked over the mySQL Date Function Docs and you appear to be doing this wrong.
Try the following instead:
SELECT user_id FROM wp_usermeta WHERE meta_key = 'wp_wp_kc_last_active_time' AND TIMESTAMPDIFF( MONTH, NOW(), FROM_UNIXTIME(meta_value) ) > 2;
Or Maybe…
global $wpdb;
$query = <<<SQL
SELECT user_id
FROM {$wpdb->usermeta}
meta_key = 'wp_wp_kc_last_active_time'
AND DATEDIFF( NOW(), FROM_UNIXTIME( meta_value ) ) > 60
$query = $wpdb->prepare( $query );
Which should gather the right users. If not, try it without the datediff statement and see if anything is returned. If not, then something is amiss with the meta_key (e.g. is it really wp_wp_… or just wp_kc_…)