Select Multiple meta_value from WP DB; Single Query

You can just call get_user_meta without specifying a key, and it will return all MetaValues for the user.

$userdata = get_user_meta( $userID );

You may have to do a mapping for displaytitles of the Metavalue, as they are returned in an array, where the keys are the databasevalues of your metakeys.

For example, you may get


If you want to display all these elements in a table, create an array like this:

$displaytitles = array(
    'f711_email_first_name' => 'Email first name',

When you loop through $userdata, you may output it like this:

foreach ( $userdata as $thisdata => $value ) {
    echo $displaytitles[$thisdata] . ': ' . $value[0];