Awesome Support Custom Field for show Woocommerce orders

I found in documentation

Checkbox, Radio and Select-Only Parameters

  • $options (array): An array of options. The array must be or the form array( 'option_id' => 'Option Label' )


wpas_add_custom_field( 'my_field_with_options', array( 
       'title' => 'My Options', 
       'options' => array( 
              'option1' => 'First Option', 
              'option2' => 'Second Option'), 
       'order' => 1 ) );

You add the order IDs to array as values, not keys. Try to change array to 'order_ID' => 'order_title':

$MyValueArray = [];
foreach ($customer_orders as $customer_order) {
    $MyValueArray[$customer_order->ID] = $customer_order->post_title;