Call Shortcode Attribute Value within another function

First: You return before you add the values to the $outvalue, so this part of the code is never reached.

Second: You have typos, when adding the values to $outvalue.

This function works for me:

function myVal($attr, $content = null) {

    'var1'  => '',
    'var2'  => '',
    'var3'  => '',
    'var4'  => '',
    'var5'  => '',
  ), $attr));

  //Value to display outside the wordpress shortcode.
  global $outvalue;
  $outvalue = $var2.' '.$var4;

  return $var1.' '.$var3.' '.$var5;


Bear in mind, when those values are actually assigned to $outvalue. This happens after in the_content(), because the shortcode is parsed in the the_content-filter.

So, if you would call outval() in the header.php, you wouldn’t get any information, because your shortcode function has not run yet. If you would call it in the footer.php, the values would be assigned.