Can Shopp Commercial Plugin be hacked to display radio buttons instead of Dropdowns? [closed]

This example highlights the versatility of interface options you can create by using radio inputs to select a product variation rather than the default menus.

This section of code could be used in place of the variations code block in either the product.php template file or the category.php template file (if you want variation inputs in your category products list).

<?php if(shopp('product','has-variations')): ?>
<ul class="variations">
    <?php while(shopp('product','variations')): ?>
            <input type="radio" name="products[<?php shopp('product','id'); ?>][price]" value="<?php shopp('product','variation','id'); ?>" />
            <?php shopp('product','variation','label'); ?>
    <?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>

Using this will make it able to add empty products to your cart (if the product has variations)