Change color of audio player depending on user role

The below will check the post creators role and based on that role allow you to set colour of the audio player.

Created in a plugin so to stop theme updates removing it on updating functions file when updating theme.

Not sure how to do this based on each comment of a person embedding a player as this would need to add tags to the html for each embedded player assigning different CSS styles to each tag.

    * Plugin Name: Change colour of the audio player
    * Plugin URI:
    * Description: Adds colour to the audio player
    * Version: 1.0
    * Author: Name
    * Author URI:


 add_action( 'wp','my_special_action' ); function my_special_action() {

//Check if it is a post to run the code

  if (is_single())

  //Get post ID
  $post_idz = get_the_ID();
  //Pull all field data of post
  $post_fields = get_post($post_idz);
  //Get authors ID 
  $author = $post_fields->post_author;
  //Get author roles

//Check author has role

if (in_array("ADD_ROLE_NAME", $user_roles))
    /* change colours of audio player */

    .mejs-container {
        background: url('') !important;
        background-color: #1f7dcd !important;

    /* change the color of the current time bar */
    .mejs-controls .mejs-time-rail .mejs-time-current {
        background: #dece66 !important;



} }