Change page password every day (predictable password ;) )

It need not be very complicated. You can simply create a pattern like 2018-09-07-ABC (suffix of ABC) for the date 2018-09-07.

Set up the password creation/validation logic like password = md5('2018-09-07-ABC').

An administrator if they know the pattern, they can anytime goto any online md5 utility such as and enter the pattern for current date.

Say for example today is December 25, 2018. Then they will enter 2018-12-25-ABC and the hash will be b21746c6db1c5323f28dd874fe60165f

TIP: You do not need to use entire 32 character password. Using first 8 characters (or any desired length) would be easier.

Sample PHP Code the generate password of length 8:

$md5hash  = md5(date('Ymd') . '-ABC');
$password = substr($md5hash, 0, 8);

Note: Take care of the timezone being used at the server when generating the password.